Monday, March 2, 2009
MGMT song ruined with beautiful intent.
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This is terrible but it's quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. They're like the British version of CSS except they're rich enough to all have iPhones. But they're too damn sincere to hate.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Do you know what looks ridiculous? This kind of hair.
There was a lot of time spent on this so take a good look. It’s like a model airplane – everything has its place. He’s crafted it into a feathered opus. Do you notice how it’s divided up into sectors? Each hair has its specific direction that its been trained to point.
I think Pete Wentz’s hobby is his hair.
When did this hair start? I remember when suddenly a lot of rock stars all had the same haircut and I remember thinking something like – what the fuck? How come none of these guys’ moms caught that? When I was in grade school, if I tried to leave the house with my hair all messy like that, my mom would spit on her hand and plaster it back down. But that’s because my mom didn’t want me to get beat up by everyone who saw me and my stupid hair. In this case, his hair is hanging into his face so now he has a stupid face[1].
I think I noticed it on Ryan Adams first. He started out all country-licious and cool but then, right around his second album and BAM! I see him in some magazine with emo hair. At first I thought that maybe he was just trying out one of those water conserving shower heads. I thought to myself – good for him. It’s good to see country-licious rock stars care about water.
Later, I learned that it was the first sign of an epidemic. An epidemic that may have been started a long time ago by another person with stupid hair.

[1] I think I just said that Pete Wentz has a stupid face.
Friday, March 7, 2008

I think I have a crush on Fiona Apple. I had to get that off my chest.
I feel better now.
. . .
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are stupid. They are famous for being on a show that was about nothing. It was literally about the talentless people that are trying to get onto shows. Viewers actually watched a SHOW starring people who weren’t good enough to get onto ACTUAL SHOWS.
That’s like a crazy ourosboros thing.
They met on The Hills and chemistry ensued as it always does when two generically attractive yuppies meet. We cared so much about the future of these two that they never really left the public eye. Their wedding was going to be televised before it was cancelled which really bummed me out. I wish my friends would televise their weddings so I didn’t have to use up all my vacation days flying all over God’s green earth to attend theirs.
Something magical occurred – I like to call it The Ashlee Simpson Phenomenon. This occurs when someone in their Hollywood Laboratory decides that someone is going to be famous no matter what. It’s the new royalty.
Regardless of your:
- talent level
- negative reviews
- botched public appearances
- shows about how sad you are that your hotter sister is famous and your not
- controversial plastic surgery
- species
- cookie intake
- other stuff too
You are going to be famous because someone said so. I would like to point out that the Ashlee Simpson Phenomenon is not connected to the well-known pop star.
Heidi Montag will be a pop star. Don’t even worry about it because it’s going to happen in there’s nothing you can do about it. Don’t fight it. It’s futile. You will be flipping through a stinky magazine one day and realize that the stink you smell is from Heidi Montag’s new fragrance[2]. Even if she sucks. Even though her atrocious music video is being laughed at by millions for all the wrong reasons. In fact, it might be BECAUSE she’s being laughed at by millions.
The future is coming and it’s going to be Heidi Montag.
[1] That’s not capitalized on accident either.
[2] Yes it will probably be called Higher but it would be way awesomer if it was called Pratt.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Heroes’ plot was more than vague, it was positively delicious in its comic bookery. The main villain ironically has a similar power to the main hero – that is so righteous that Stan Lee probably gave himself a high-five. I hope that the scientist working on volatile human potential serums steps his research up a notch so we can get this millennium into the spirit of the future with some super powered citizens. Heroes totally hit a home run on that.
It even boasted some seriously decent fight scenes for a television show. I haven’t seen a samurai sword fight on the tube since that one episode of A Team. So how come, after building up to the showdown between Sylar and Peter, I have to settle for a few punches and one sword move. I’ve seen fisticuffs last longer at school dances. When people with more powers than a pack of Pokémon face off there is usually more laser noises and beams of colliding power. It seems like if you have the ability to become invisible or wield the frozen powers of ice, you might try using that against a superhuman attacker.
And did I hear Jim Brown say that the power to save the world had been inside Peter all along? Or am I thinking of the end of Wizard of Oz? And did one of the more famous football playing actors say that the power was… love? I was thinking the real power was traveling through time and space at your leisure. That AND doing awesome-infused sword rocking. I’d even settle for being able to go through walls or being a schizophrenic blonde but – love?! Isn’t that what the Care Bears were for? If they couldn’t solve the world’s problems with the Care Bear Stare then I’m pretty sure Peter Petrelli’s optimistic heart isn’t going to cut it either. Maybe he should try all those other powers he has like being an unkillable, nuclear teleporter that can turn invisible.
I’m going to try and not let it ruin my opinion of superheroes but it’s going to take more whiskey and less watching of season finales. Incidentally, I will probably still watch Season 2.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Especially if they got the window seat.
My real life is pretty boring so I like to spice things up for the trip by inventing a fictitious, awesome life for the person who won’t quit asking me about it. I never plan for it either. I just start answering their incessant questions with anything but the truth. I also try not to use the same story twice. I’ve been everything from a Santeria priest on his way to Cuba to a member of an obscure, Hungarian pop group Egészségedra1. The latter was hard to pull off because I speak absolutely zero Hungarian but, luckily, neither did the women sitting next to me.
I’d like to tell you that this rapid-pace, off-the-cuff lying is good for your prefrontal cortex or something but I don’t really know if that’s true and we’re not currently on an airplane so I won’t lie to you. All I can tell you is that it’s a much better way to pass the time than watching Galaxy Quest and drinking Ginger Ale2. The funny thing is, I’ve never even thought to do this to a beautiful woman.
One time, on my way from San Francisco to Honolulu, I found my self sitting in the Business Class section with no one else but this woman that looked like a cross between Tia Carrere and Ziyi Zhang. One would think that this might’ve been the perfect time to be a Hungarian pop singer but, instead of using my powers of deception for good (to possibly impress girls) I made the fatal mistake of telling her my actual story.
Which was lame.
The weird part is that I don’t really lie any other time. I mean, sure I’ll tell a telemarketer than it’s against my religion to refinance my home or own a Craftmatic® adjustable bed. I might even tell a panhandler that I’m all out of change but I’d never obstruct justice or anything like that.
I’d never lie about anything important.
The ethical ramifications of lying on an airplane never even occur to me. I think it’s because we’re not technically on earth. We’re still within the constraints of gravity and atmosphere but we’re actually several miles away from earth. Ethics don’t count as much up here. At this height, I may actually be a Santeria priest (I’m just not actually going to Cuba – yet. One day, I might actually go to Cuba so in a vague way I could be “on my way to Cuba.”)
I’m guessing that the rules can be bent when you’re off of the planet.
1There is no such pop group; this is the only Hungarian word I know.
2Why does everyone seem to drink Ginger Ale on airplanes?
Saturday, February 3, 2007

Recently I was told that ninjas are no longer in demand in the modern workforce. This news troubled me since I assumed that a vocation so specialized was guaranteed a niche. I decided to make a list of the kinds of jobs a typical ninja could easily do.
1. Mail Man – All of that walking will keep your ninja heart in shape until you can get back into the game. Any sensei would concur that walking the earth is good for your spirit and chi; you may as well make a little yen doing it. Rent doesn’t pay itself you know (unless you know the kata “rentjin do san.”)
2. Write a Novel of your Memoirs – You probably have a ton of good stories from ninja-ing. They might even make a movie out of your book so make sure it’s truthful. The last thing you need is for Oprah to recommend your book and have the media question its authenticity (and your honor.)
3. Move to New York City to become an actor while working part time as a Waiter – There are so many people doing this right now no one will even notice that you’re actually a ninja.
4. Those guys that serve summons/subpoenas – Using stealth you could sneak up to the unsuspecting target. You could serve the summons and, using an Exploding Bomb of Vanishing, you would disappear. No one could hide from your ninja-ness.
5. Telemarketer – They are always hiring just don’t let your clan/dojo find out. If they learn of this dishonor you will surely be hunted down; better to preserve your honor and commit seppuku.
6. Exterminator – It’s not as exciting as assassinating clan lords but at least you can still enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Some of those lowly clan lords are no better than unwanted vermin anyway… FOR HONOR!!
7. Fashion Model – Years of honing your body to be a deadly weapon should have left you with the chiseled abs and rugged look that’s desired in models. You already know how good you look in black and you’re used to taking orders without questions (from your sensei.) Instead of your usual midnight romps through bamboo forests with your fellow ninja clansmen, you will be shaving your back and sunning on the beaches of Milan – but at least you’ll be making some yen and that’s haute.
8. Zombie – I’m not exactly sure how you go about becoming a zombie. Usually you have to be bitten by another zombie. What could be scarier than a zombie ninja?
a. A zombie ninja income tax form 1040A.
b. A zombie ninja terrorist.
c. A zombie ninja samurai pirate gangster hitman vegan.
d. All of the above.
9. Barber – You’ve already mastered century old sword techniques, scissors should be a piece of cake. You’ll be perfect for the patron who doesn’t want to talk to their barber because ninjas never speak. If someone from your rival clan should sit at your chair, you can still fight for the honor of your clan lord by either killing him or giving him a really bad haircut (one that even a ninja hood can’t hide.)
10.Prostitute – You might think that assassinating foreign dignitaries while wearing the cloak of darkness and striking from the shadows is the oldest profession but actually selling your body for sex is older. You can make pretty good yen and, if your pimp gets rough with you, a well-placed tanto between his shoulder blades will teach him otherwise.
11.Computer Programmer – You’d have to hang up your ninja climbing spikes and sword but your cunning could be used in writing code. Perhaps you’ll stumble upon some innovative new program that you could build an empire on. Use this newfound wealth and power to crush your enemies because you are still ninja.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
David Caruso

The internet is full of all of the glory of Chuck Norris but there is not nearly as much dedicated to the total suckery of David Caruso. I intend to change that at some point. Here is a start:
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1. If David Caruso was a computer, he would be a Speak 'n Spell.
2. If you play Contra with David Caruso, he will always steal your mans.
3. You know how, in movies, when someone is using all of their psychic brain power to do something, their nose bleeds? David Caruso gets nose bleeds from trying to remember the number for 911.
4. The highest that David Caruso can count is to 1.
5. He might be able to count higher with a calculator unfortunately the number of buttons causes David Caruso's mind to overload and he faints.
6. When David Caruso was born, the doctor had trouble determining the gender because David Caruso is big fat sissy.
7. David Caruso gets arrested for being in public.
8. The original name for Hotdog-on-a-Stick was David Caruso but they changed it in favor of something more intimidating.
9. David Caruso is a big idiot.
10.David Caruso tried to keep a diary but, as soon as he wrote "Dear Diary," the diary said it didn't want anyone to see them talking. David Caruso can't even be friends with his diary.
11.Many hand lotion companies have stopped saying their product makes your hands softer than silk and have started saying softer than David Caruso.
12.The reason babies cry is because they know that somewhere out there David Caruso is still David Caruso.
13.The US Government recently released the following information: The reason you have to pay taxes is because of David Caruso.
14.David Caruso will never win an award for acting because he really sucks at it.
15.The only thing that David Caruso is not afraid of is Testicular Cancer.
16.Originally, they called Cabbage Patch Kids David Caruso but they switched the name so it would sound tougher.
17.The PIN number for David Caruso's Debit Card is 1111 because thats as high as he can count (remember.)
18.In High School, Tinkerbell used to bully David Caruso and steal his lunch money.
19.David Caruso is so out of shape, he gets a side ache from winking. But he's so uncoordinated he can't actually wink.
20.Remember that fat kid who was Jedi fighting in his basement that was all over the internet? David Caruso watched him with a mixture of awe and jealousy.
21.Aliens exist but they only have access to the move Jade and the TV Show CSI: Miami so, based on David Caruso, they've decided that were not even worth the effort.
22.In the Garden of Eden, after the Fall of Man, God punished the human race with David Caruso.
23.One day, we will probably be able to cure the common cold but we will never be able to cure David Caruso.
24.The reason airplanes still have ashtrays in the armrests even though you will never be able to smoke on a flight is because David Caruso uses them to put his tissue in after he's done crying.
25.David Caruso is picked last in every competition - even solitaire.
26.There was once a fight between David Caruso and a dandelion and the dandelion beat his ass.
27.Green NyQuil is actually what David Caruso tastes like.
28.Two chickens are about to fight and one chicken says to the other, "What's a matter David Caruso?"
29.Due to some of the advances in science, we are able to prevent anymore babies being born as David Caruso.
30.There is one nice thing about David Caruso but I dont know what it is.
31.If everyone in the world was a salad, David Caruso would be totally gross coleslaw with too much mayonnaise.
32.David Caruso is so dumb he can't even find porn on the internet.
33.There is only one time that David Caruso answered a question right, when he was in school but the question was: Are you totally lame? He said yes.
34.Some people are vegetarians, some people are vegan, David Caruso is just crappy.
35.When most people are enjoying the delicious taste of Samoas, David Caruso is crying under his bed because he's so scared of Girl Scouts.
36.Canned mushrooms are pretty gross but David Caruso is way grosser.
37.Ronald Reagan and David Caruso walked into a bar. The bartender kicked them both out; he didnt care how cool Reagan was David Caruso sucked enough for both of them.
38.Many scientists believe that Jar Jar Binks was played by David Caruso because of how annoying it was.
39.CSI actually stands for Caruso Sucks It.
40....and it's totally true.