Last night, like millions, I sat on my couch drinking whiskey and watching the season finale of Heroes. And also, like millions, I was disappointed. Not since the last Stephan King novel have I ever seen something end with less of a bang than my first sexual encounter. This show started with so much promise; a TV Show about superheroes is a solid start for entertainment. I would think, with this foundation, all you really had to do was add some hot girls, multiple fight scenes and the vaguest hint of a plot and you’d have some solid gold adspace for some corporate sponsors.
Heroes’ plot was more than vague, it was positively delicious in its comic bookery. The main villain ironically has a similar power to the main hero – that is so righteous that Stan Lee probably gave himself a high-five. I hope that the scientist working on volatile human potential serums steps his research up a notch so we can get this millennium into the spirit of the future with some super powered citizens. Heroes totally hit a home run on that.
It even boasted some seriously decent fight scenes for a television show. I haven’t seen a samurai sword fight on the tube since that one episode of A Team. So how come, after building up to the showdown between Sylar and Peter, I have to settle for a few punches and one sword move. I’ve seen fisticuffs last longer at school dances. When people with more powers than a pack of Pokémon face off there is usually more laser noises and beams of colliding power. It seems like if you have the ability to become invisible or wield the frozen powers of ice, you might try using that against a superhuman attacker.
And did I hear Jim Brown say that the power to save the world had been inside Peter all along? Or am I thinking of the end of Wizard of Oz? And did one of the more famous football playing actors say that the power was… love? I was thinking the real power was traveling through time and space at your leisure. That AND doing awesome-infused sword rocking. I’d even settle for being able to go through walls or being a schizophrenic blonde but – love?! Isn’t that what the Care Bears were for? If they couldn’t solve the world’s problems with the Care Bear Stare then I’m pretty sure Peter Petrelli’s optimistic heart isn’t going to cut it either. Maybe he should try all those other powers he has like being an unkillable, nuclear teleporter that can turn invisible.
I’m going to try and not let it ruin my opinion of superheroes but it’s going to take more whiskey and less watching of season finales. Incidentally, I will probably still watch Season 2.
Heroes’ plot was more than vague, it was positively delicious in its comic bookery. The main villain ironically has a similar power to the main hero – that is so righteous that Stan Lee probably gave himself a high-five. I hope that the scientist working on volatile human potential serums steps his research up a notch so we can get this millennium into the spirit of the future with some super powered citizens. Heroes totally hit a home run on that.
It even boasted some seriously decent fight scenes for a television show. I haven’t seen a samurai sword fight on the tube since that one episode of A Team. So how come, after building up to the showdown between Sylar and Peter, I have to settle for a few punches and one sword move. I’ve seen fisticuffs last longer at school dances. When people with more powers than a pack of Pokémon face off there is usually more laser noises and beams of colliding power. It seems like if you have the ability to become invisible or wield the frozen powers of ice, you might try using that against a superhuman attacker.
And did I hear Jim Brown say that the power to save the world had been inside Peter all along? Or am I thinking of the end of Wizard of Oz? And did one of the more famous football playing actors say that the power was… love? I was thinking the real power was traveling through time and space at your leisure. That AND doing awesome-infused sword rocking. I’d even settle for being able to go through walls or being a schizophrenic blonde but – love?! Isn’t that what the Care Bears were for? If they couldn’t solve the world’s problems with the Care Bear Stare then I’m pretty sure Peter Petrelli’s optimistic heart isn’t going to cut it either. Maybe he should try all those other powers he has like being an unkillable, nuclear teleporter that can turn invisible.
I’m going to try and not let it ruin my opinion of superheroes but it’s going to take more whiskey and less watching of season finales. Incidentally, I will probably still watch Season 2.
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